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Tatiana Eboli Psycholigist

About Me

I am a licensed psychologist from Brazil with expertise in Psychotherapy, Conflict Resolution, and Crisis Intervention.

I conduct my practice via online video conference, where I establish a secure and welcoming environment for my clients.

I have extensive experience working with diverse individuals from Brazil, Europe, and the United States, including marginalized communities facing social vulnerability, as well as children and teenagers with Autism and Cerebral Palsy. My expertise also includes a profound understanding of various topics, such as social inequality, psychopathology of violence and aggression, discrimination, trauma, stigma, and power dynamics within society.

I passionately uphold the values of diversity and inclusion, ensuring that individuals from every ethnicity, cultural background, political belief, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, physical ability, intellectual ability, educational background, and social class receive the support and care they rightfully deserve.

I have been living a nomadic life in Europe since 2015, which has given me a unique perspective and understanding of the challenges faced by outsiders.


online psychologist


I offer one-on-one sessions to address a wide range of mental health concerns. I provide a safe and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and life challenges.



In group counselling, I conduct sessions with a group of people ranging from 3 to 10 participants who share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with my guidance. It can be used to address a wide range of issues, such as relationship problems, traumas, grief, stress, and more. These sessions offer support and collaboration, enabling individuals to gain insights and receive feedback from others dealing with similar challenges.



Crisis intervention is designed to reduce potential permanent damage to individuals who are facing highly distressing situations. A crisis is defined as an overwhelming event or state in which the person feels helpless and hopeless. This approach is typically time-limited, with the goal of helping individuals restore emotional balance and develop crisis management strategies.



Conflict resolution is a process used to settle conflicts or disagreements that arise between individuals. Its primary purpose is to navigate these situations in a peaceful, constructive, and fair manner, with the ultimate goal of finding a resolution that is acceptable to all parties involved. At its core, conflict resolution involves identifying the root causes of the conflict, understanding the differing perspectives and interests of the parties, and working together to create solutions. This process often requires open and effective communication, active listening, and the use of various techniques and strategies.


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